Albino Burmese Python

This is an albino Burmese Python female (Python bivittatus). She was hand-picked to be part of our reptile educational programs, as an ambassador of her species. She is currently looking for a sponsor ($250 annually), to give her a name.

The normal patterns on Burmese python shows brown blotches, bordered in black down the back, however there are several deviations from the normal pattern – amelanisitic, or lacking the black pigment melanin, with the pattern of yellow and orange. Being of the constrictor family, Burmese pythons do not have fangs – instead they have rear-pointing teeth, and are non-venomous. Though most snakes only have a single lung, these creatures have two, with one being much larger than the other. Instead of eyelids, a thin, protective epidermal layer covers the eyes.

Burmese pythons’ diet consists of small mammals and birds. Though they have poor eyesight, using chemical receptors in their tongues and heat sensors along their jaws, they can stalk prey. Once the prey is caught within the python’s jaws and teeth, the body wraps around the prey and constricts, or squeezes until it suffocates its catch. The jaws are flexible and can stretch wide enough to swallow food whole, up to five times the size of its head.

Generally a solitary animal, the Burmese python will find a mate during the Spring. The female will lay her eggs in a nest and keep it warm by shivering over the nest for two to three months until they hatch. Usually the hatchling will remain inside of the egg until first shedding, before leaving to hunt for its first meal.

The natural habitat for Burmese pythons is in the jungles and grassy marshes of Southeast Asia. When young, the snake can dwell on the ground or in trees, but as it grows longer and heavier, it tends to remain to the ground.

Burmese pythons generally have a docile disposition, making them a popular choice for those wanting a snake for a pet. Unfortunately, many owners care for them improperly, and have released the snake into the wild. This has especially become a problem in the Everglades of Florida, where they are deemed an invasive species, due to their predation on the local wildlife including birds and even alligators.

burmese python Statistics:

Body Length
Incubation Period
Number of Eggs
Life Span

males: 7 - 18 feet     females: 13 - 20 feet
up to 200 pounds, females heavier than males
2 - 3 months
12 - 48
20 - 25 years