Lulu – Ring-Tailed Lemur

Lulu is a female ring-tailed lemur born 2012. Due to a birth defect in her hand, she will remain at the Foundation, as part of our family. Though she is otherwise healthy, we will maintain observation to make sure she has no problems with climbing or eating.

The ring-tailed lemur is a primate and the most recognized lemur due to its long, bushy tail with alternating black and white rings. Their dense fur is mostly gray with white on their stomach, chest and face. They have thick black rings around their yellow eyes and their paws are all black. Both male and female ring-tailed lemurs have scent glands which they use to mark their territory. Their tails are not prehensile, instead it is only used for balance, communication, and group cohesion. They are terrestrial but are great climbers allowing them to search for food and escape predators. Their diet includes fruit, leaves, bark, tree sap, and insects. The ring-tailed lemur is one of the most vocal primates and they use numerous vocalizations including alarm calls and group cohesion.

Ring-tailed lemurs are highly social animals and live in large family groups of 6-30 individuals, called a troop. The troop is led by a dominant female and often have multiple breeding females. Mating season begins in mid-April and the young are born between August and September. The young are entirely dependent upon their mother and are carried on her stomach for about three weeks, before they migrate to her back. The entire social group aids in the upbringing of the young.

The ring-tailed lemur is only found in the southern part of Madagascar, in the dry forest and bush. The ring-tailed lemur is endangered due to habitat destruction and hunting for meat and the exotic pet trade.

Ring-Tailed Lemur Statistics:

Body Length
Gestation Period
Litter Size
Life Span

15 - 18 inches long, tail is 22 - 25 inches long
5 - 7.5 pounds
140 days
1 - 2 young
16 - 19 years in the wild, up to 30 years in captivity